Wednesday, November 7, 2012


President Barack Obama will serve as our
44th President.

So we voted.
And Obama
was elected to
a second term.
I am sooooo
excited that I
even got to vote.
It almost didn't happen.

What a hostile political environment for this years election. It may seem to many that it was unusual. But I remember the 60's, the Kennedy's, the Viet Nam war and the draft, the hippies, the protests. I remember watching TV as it gave us ready witness to the tragedies of war and the hosing of peaceful black protesters and the assassinations of great men who opened doors for an American experience that involved ALL of the people, not just a privileged few. Sound familiar? It should. We've been here before. Such passions then. Such passions now.

Finally the commercials and the bantering and the stretching of the truth and the out right lies are set to rest. Right? Now it is time to really get to work and save our country for everyone. We are Americans. A mix of color, class and cultures that enjoy the freedom to be who we are and follow the dreams we dare to dream. Will the haters stop hating? Probably not. Time will tell if the suits can all work together or if it will be a tug-o-war or chest puffing with no desire to meld the strongest points into something that could be the best political climate ever. I can hope, right? I can pray, and I do, nearly every night. With God all things are possible.

I wish this battle was outside of my safe haven here in the Sandhills. Some how my husband and I have moved from common ground some 20+ years together, to being 180 degrees off on nearly every political passion. He's white, I'm black. He's red, I'm blue. His way is right. My way is right. It finally got so bad that we agreed NOT TO TALK POLITICS around each other. And this worked, until ....

a couple weeks before the election things were said and an argument ensued and I reached a point that I was willing to move out if I had to, to protect my right to vote and my passions ...

Let's just say, we worked this all out and re-installed the ban on talking politics. And I went out and voted yesterday. Maybe those suits in 'elected' positions can find some compromise amid their passions. Like my husband and I, maybe they can work through the drama and see the most important things that matter. Like the heart of a soul. They are responsible for millions of hearts out there.

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