Sunday, June 14, 2009


Today, I didn't go to church.
Haven't been to church in a long time.
Instead, I ate breakfast to TV Church,
read Psalms 29-34 and prayed for a time,
and wrote a request to put in my God can.

God can?

I have a metal container,
a can with a lid,
with cherubs painted on the sides
and all antique looking.

This is my God can.

When my head is too full,
and I feel powerless under burdens,
then I write down my woes,
and give them to God.

I put on paper my prayer requests,
writing names of those I despair over,
and asking God to show mercy and forgive,
and then I fold and fit it in God's can.

God can.
I can't.

Once I opened my God can,
reading the prayers and reflecting,
were some answered? Yes.
And some are still pending.

God can.
I can't.

No, today, I didn't go to church.
I miss having a church home and God time.
So I stayed home and searched,
and wrote my prayer one more time,

and put it in my God can.