Monday, September 5, 2011


On a cool, crisp, fall like evening, the sand hills of Nebraska near the small town of Lewellen, echoed out the best sounding blues I'd heard in a while. What a treat for those of us who spent our evening in the back yard of the 17 Ranch Winery, listening to and watching some extraordinary talent!

Labor Day Weekend usually finds me on a bike trip with my husband, touring somewhere, in this awesome country we live in. Several reasons kept me home this year and my disappointment was completely erased last night, when hanging at home, gave me the opportunity to finally check this annual festival out. I love the blues!

The day opened on a planned day of work. Up by 6 am to prepare for the final day of my weekend garage sale. A couple of dear friends had come from Kearney to help me with the sale and brought a new golden retriever puppy with them. So the sun came up, dog went out for her morning duties, coffee was brewed and garage sale baked goods were raided for breakfast. Then ... to work...

We closed up the garage sale by mid afternoon, and everyone took turns cleaning up for our evening date with the blues while watching the Nebraska football game! Nebraska won! The festival was to start at 5 pm and we weren't going to be on time. Finally ready ... we set out for Lewellen as the sun was setting.

As we drove into town, my friends asked me for directions. I'd never been to this winery since it's opening so my directions were to just open up the windows and listen for music and follow it's sound. That's what small towns are all about. As it turned out, driving down main street, one couldn't miss it even if the band hadn't already been playing to lure us near.

We weren't the only ones arriving late and as we walked up to the gate, a gal asked me if we were going to the festival. Before I could answer she took note of two tickets I was holding and commented that I probably didn't need any tickets.

"Oh but I do." I told her.

"I have these two tickets but I still need to buy one."

She then handed me a ticket and I asked her how much it was ...

I had bought two tickets for the 'early' purchase price of $15 earlier in the week and knew the third ticket was gona cost me $20 at the gate. I was hoping she would only want $15.

... She GAVE me the ticket!! Wow! I asked her if I could hug her and thanked her profusely!

Yes, these are tough times and usually 'concerts' are a luxury and often not experienced during such times. But I LOVE the blues. I was going to be home this time. I soooo wanted to go and I didn't want to make my friends pay for their own tickets especially after helping me with the garage sale AND what if they didn't like the blues ... anyway, what a blessing this surprise free ticket was! AND my friends loved the festival so much so they purchased a couple of CD's of the last band! ~ Note to Co: Thank you, darlin, for the CD. Listening to it as I write this blog. ~

While the sun went down, we set up our lawn chairs, put out our blankets to wrap up in when the cool crisp air settled in after dark and set out to purchase a gourmet hamburger and some ice tea.

Later we would learn how to get a commemorative wine glass and could taste the various wines the winery specialized in by the glass or the bottle. Beer and soft drinks were available also.

Picnic tables were near the grill but most had brought their own lawn chairs and were comfortably snuggled into their own blankets ... such a comfortable, warm (in spite of the early fall chill) and fun atmosphere. Cudos to Lewellen, to 17 Ranch Winery, for making such a festival available to us sand hill natives ... to those of us who love the blues.

Love the blues?

We missed the 1st bands performance. We arrived during the second half of the second bands performance. Sol-De-Joe , out of Denver, Co, had a slamming bass player, a sultry sax player, great vocals and all round sound that left you wanting for more. Check em out for yourself and see if you agree they are worthy of enjoyment.

The final band, Mary Bridget Davies Group, was soooo worth hanging through the cold night to hear! Mary has a voice that reminded me of Janis Joplin. She did some favorite Janis tunes and was right on ... closed my eyes and could see and hear Janis ... opened my eyes and could see Mary and hear both Janis and Mary. What a voice this woman has!!

And between songs she was such a kick! Funny, light, sexy, and soulful! Mary is one that must be seen as well as heard!!

And her band ... wow!! The bass player was captivating and made sitting still IMPOSSIBLE. Once some of the sound issues were refined ... wow!! The whole band is like a puzzle that fits perfectly. Each is a stand alone performer and ... well, all I can say is ... wow!!

1 comment:

  1. Darn, not sure why, but link to Sol-Fed-Joe isn't working. Sorry. Guess I won't see em in Denver if I can't find em. :/
