Thursday, December 27, 2012


Why is this year any different from Christmas's past?
Is my heart any heavier?
Decorations are usually left til New Year's Day,
But not this year.
This year I'm ready to put them away.

So all the boxes to fill,
Are brought up from the basement,
And down go the stockings off the chimney,
And down go memories collected over the years,
Of what Christmas means to me.

The various nativity scenes,
Remind me of the reason we celebrate.
Santa of my childhood years,
Has been replaced with Baby Jesus,
And in some way softened all my fears.

The many trees placed about the room,
Fill me with smiles.
Lots of decorated trees make the season fun.
Some gifted, made and bought,
And I remember the history of each one.

As I carefully sort and paper wrap,
And put everything that says Christmas away,
A lump settles in my throat,
And tears threaten to fall.
I really feel like such an old goat!

Every year this gets harder.
Not because the world's Christmas greed has grown,
But more the changes that each Christmas holds,
When young hope sees such a bright light.
But that light seems to dim when we get old.

Most of my decorations are children geared.
As I put them to rest for another year,
I wonder if they'll be brought out anymore.
There are no children regularly in this home now,
No little hearts to Christmas adore.

Seems silly to adorn with teddy bears,
And Sesame Street ornaments,
When no little one's are here to enjoy.
Maybe I'll change the scheme next year,
To fit our growing envoy.

Maybe I'll pack away those ornaments,
That carry special memories of each little heart,
That has graced our home over the years.
Then give these memories to each loved one,
To decorate their own homes with Christmas cheer.

This years heavy heart is due to change.
One day these Christmas's will come no more for me.
I should relish that the season doesn't crash my soul anymore,
That I've worked hard to make the season special,
So my little ones never opened a despairing memory door.

I should glow in the blessing I find in each new Christmas season.
It is a season of great Hope,
And charges the soul with so much love,
If one can keep focused on what is important,
Which is in the Greatest Gift from Above.

New Year's Day is five days away,
Early is this year's Christmas dismantling.
I'm ready to pack away all the sparkle and brass,
And open up space in this home full of change.
I'm ready to let go and in this years memories bask.

We survived the doomsday predictions,
So 2013 is on it's way in, maybe....
But whatever the path God has laid before us,
It will unfold rather we want it to or not,
As I close the last box and pack away Christmas.

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