SAM'S THOTS ~ My thoughts from the Sandhills of Nebraska! Poems, short stories, and a lot of just plain ramblin. Pictures, some I took, some from the family vault. Lots of memories, experiences and opinions, important to no one but me ... Sam. What an awesome medium this is! What fun! I invite you to travel along, comment even, or just get ideas for your own blog. So, come along and I'll share a glimpse at my life in the Sandhills of NE.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Year End Notes
Happy New Year's Eve!
I can't believe this is the last day of 2011. How do I s l o w down time? Until I find the answer to that question, I guess this 'fast forward' will be managed with deleting items from my life list just so I can finish with some things accomplished.
If I have any followers, following this blog regularly ... sorry for my infrequent posting. Seems I'm apologizing alot these days for my procrastinating ways! Why I repeatedly get stuck in the me trunk ... with lid shut ... dark ... crammed in here with all my procrastinating woes and poor me's ... angry ... that I have to find a way to get out ... again, is beyond me! I really do want to improve. So, first, I'm sorry. Now to act and get out of this damn trunk.
Ok ... that said.
This year ends with this home full of my grandchildren's squeals, laughter and quibbles. They have been such medicine to my annual year end holiday blues. I must give praise to the Lord for his gift. He knew the perfect medicine for my ailment. Dark memories can always be healed by loving memories. My childhood Christmas's may have been turbulent, at best, but I'm determined that my children/grandchildren will not reap such turbulence but take to their souls, memories of full of love.
So I end this year's blog note with some pictures my granddaughter Ryenn took on our field trip to Lake McConaughy, this past Thursday, to do some eagle viewing. It was a windy day ... no ice on lake so no eagles ... WAIT, there's one! Ryenn tried to take a picture of it but had to settle for the excitement of getting to see at least one.
We got out at the lake viewing lot near the Morning Glory (her picture above) and Ryenn took pictures till the cold wind drove her back in the car.
... Well, the rest of Ryenn's pictures were to follow as an ending to this post but when I tried to load them, found em at the top of this blog. So what happened to the 'new' ability to insert photos ANYWHERE in the blog? :/
Happy New Year's Eve! May 2012 be the best year yet!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Fall Will Always End Way Too Soon
Fall is ending far too soon!
November recorded this years first snow.
A meteor shower close to a full moon,
Fell asleep at the foot of my bed,
Nothing to see when clouds cover the moon,
Making everything dark like in my heart,
Along with heavy thoughts filling the room.
So the eyes shut and I sink in,
Later even dreams came full of gloom.
This is the time of year when the blues roll in,
When childhood memories loom,
And no matter how old I will get,
Fall will always end way too soon,
With Christmas comes a new set of woes,
And I fight drowning in the all familiar gloom,
Residue left behind from a damaged child's soul.
I've written before of my struggle with the holidays at the end of the year. I've shared some of the nightmare in which my two younger brothers and I played key roles for more than five of our most innocent young years.
Yes, the past should be left there or let go of and not haunting me as it has over the rest of my life. Even after much counseling over the years, I should be an expert at healing myself. Why do I forget what my life-saving counselors often remind me of, that time will heal and soothe the triggers. And as I recognize the triggers and open up about those dark times, they are so right, the power to disable me has been and is, less.
Just when I think I am doing well ... I stumble.
Why is this gloom coming in with such a gut busting blow this year? I really don't know for sure. If I put my 'expert' hat on, I recognize that there are number of issues closing in and I have no power to 'fix' anything. Give it to God, you say. I try to. My fifth read through, of God's Word, has me recently 'stuck' in Ezekiel. It's probably not a good place to be reading through when struggling with depression. Ezekiel is full of doom and gloom.
What are the number of issues raining on my life parade? Ready to read a novel? No? I'm not ready to write it either. So here are a few snip-its:
I'm overwhelmed with alarm at the economic tsunami that is drowning the globe, and how the leaders of our country seem blind to the real issues and are throwing out lead weights, instead of life jackets, to those of us floundering in the rising financial flood.
The Penn State Sex Scandal, where Jerry Sandusky raped young boys over a period of time and no one stepped up to STOP it... this was a trigger I recognize that punched the biggest blow to my emotional gut and spawned some of my holiday gloom ... I remembered ... only ... I was a little girl witness, and, unlike McCleary who now says he didn't run when he stumbled in on the rape, I ran. I was afraid. The man in my memory, had also raped me and would again ... even after I told someone. Yes, this very public sex scandal has set off some major triggers. My inner child is struggling with wanting to hide behind that couch of long ago. A place where I briefly felt safe. ... is there a safe hiding place? Maybe now that couch has transformed into this gloom, as my safe hiding place?
The holidays always remind me how financially poor I am. Sometimes I wish I never got married. Usually, I would go into debt for Christmas and spend the rest of the year paying it off. After this marriage, I could not get those quick loans anymore. Now the bank wanted some paperwork to secure them and the interest ... well, let's just say that I worked hard to become debt free and financially responsible and now they wanted my husbands name on the loan ... nope, that wasn't gona happen. So I join the Christmas Club these last four years but struggle to save more than $300. Ever try to shop, especially this year, with $300? This may buy me the gas I need to just get to the stores ... then I can window shop, dream and wish for a lottery win. Well, loved ones, your gifts this year will be meager sums to put towards your own dreams. ... oh and alot of love! ♥ Yeah, I know, that should be priceless, right?
Ok, guess that's a few of the snip-its and as I re-read what I've written, so far ... well, maybe I need some help, again, to sort. I've not scheduled any counseling this year ... yet. I've been telling myself to buck up and do what I know I can do and be content with the rest. 'Let go and let God' is my mantra but I wallow in this inner turmoil and self pity, believing they are my punishment for a life full of mistakes.
Self pity is one of my stumbling blocks. Maybe I should add that to my snip-its above. I should be chastising my self pity because, at the least, my life has a home to hunker down in and hide if I want. Not so with the one surviving brother of those childhood nightmares ... Halloween weekend I discovered he was homeless. His holiday gloom is far darker than mine. Why should I even be whining!
When I learned of Carl's struggle and tried to help, I was blocked from every angle. Folks who had more ... told me no and after my heavy sobbing, told me, only temporarily would they help. Folks who were struggling themselves, told me no. Understandable. But my heart hurts because I offered them a home when they were down and I was still struggling financially then, too. Helping them, wiped out my savings. Some folks were burned out from brother Carl's obnoxious drinking problem. He'd only been sober for a few weeks and this was because he didn't have any money to drink. No, no and no! :(
So I left him off the next day, after putting him up in a motel room that night, (Thank you, my dear husband, for paying for that room.) and as he unlocked his bike, chained to a sign in a public park, he tells me not to worry ... he's going to keep trying to find work and a home and if it doesn't work out ...
So ... fall rushes out and winter closes in. I'm powerless to stop the flow so must find a way to float and not drown and find Hope when all seems hopeless.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
My first impulse was to throw trash in on the spiders web and if that didn't kill it, maybe it would take off. But I must confess a fascination over it's markings and though squeamish, I found myself watching it as it worked it's web.
When grandson arrived for nanny care, I took him out and set up a step ladder for him to climb high enough to view the spider. That's all it took. From then on, nearly every day, we'd get the step ladder and check out what the spider was up to. I surprised myself with actually WANTING to keep tabs on the spider and would even inquire on it's well being when I would throw something away in a nearby trash can. No ... the spider never answered me. I talk to my cats, plants, God and self much the same way. Only the cats respond right away.
It wasn't long before grandson was taking me around the yard and pointing out more webs. Now, at first I was like ... what the ... On one walk about, he revealed to me SEVEN separate locations of garden spider condos. Some were wrapping up their dinner and others just seemed to be sunbathing. Some of the webs were striking and what quick repairs would be made after a storm or my watering would damage them.
I didn't know we had so many spiders. Is this normal, or is this just the year of the spiders. One year we were inundated with so many millers, one would have thought it was snowing in summer. One year it was locusts, in fact, this year the locusts were more than I've ever seen, or heard. These last few years it has been the grasshoppers and the dragonflies that have topped the numbers charts. And one year it was rattlesnakes. So maybe this was the year for many garden spiders?
The day I decided to take pictures, after a couple of freezes, the webs look like a couple of old farts were weaving them. I can sure identify with such loss of ambition. :)
The following two spiders were found in the browning garden.
Picking produce from the garden would often bring me up close with these two. Why would I forget they were there until reaching for tomatoes near the ground and movement would bring my focus in on the spider web near my face! And aside from jerking back ... I never destroyed these spiders to make picking produce easier. When we tore down the garden fence and tomato cages to get ready for a fall till ... I even felt sad for these gals losing their homes.
And of course the spider that started it all, the trash can garden spider:
And of course the spider watcher.
Getting in the trash barrel for these shots was heart stopping. NOT. I did have to put my hand in the trash can and then point the camera up ... getting as close as I could WITHOUT TOUCHING the web. Mind you, I'm trying to do this without letting grandson know that I was controlling a freak out. I don't know why spiders scare me? No reason for him to be afraid of them, too ... for no reason. Right? :)
I was so focused on taking pictures without dropping the camera (God please don't let me drop and have to retrieve my camera from under that spider ... God why in the hell am I doing this?) AND trying not to touch the darn spider so I didn't see grandson's antics that I captured in the background until I loaded the pictures onto the computer. What a ham!
He then begins to ask me if he can TOUCH the spider. Deeply involved in the picture taking and now grandson is threatening to make this spider move ... Yes, I had a little trouble keeping the panic out of my voice ...
"WHAT? NO ... NO You can't ToUch the spider. Depending on what kind of spider it is, if it bites you, you could get real sick." I responded in a, louder than normal, tinged with fear, voice of wisdom. Or should I say, warning?
"I'm mad!" He says and folds his arms a moment and then climbs down the little ladder in his best little 'huff'.
He's been doing that lately when he's told not to do ... or heck, even to do, something and he'll suddenly be mad. If I ignore his little huff, then he usually does, or does not do, what I'm asking. He's only three and it is very hard not to smile .... he often looks adorable but I try not to smile ... and this day I COULD NOT smile ... I was focused on spider pictures ...
Ok, ok that was enough for me. Time to get outta that can and settle my insides down.
"Hey .... wait for me."
He is already over his mad and was calling back to me from the sandbox.
"Hey Nana, you wana play in my sandbox with me?"
"Sure, buddy! And what are we gona play?"
"Let's dig for treasure!"
There is something very calming about playing in a sandbox after spider watchin ...
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Did my mind fall behind?
How can I recall,
If I cannot even find?
Is this why,
I cling to every sign,
That points to hope,
Trying to prove a Greater Design?
All this loss won't be missed,
So just relax in all remaining time,
With those we hold so dear,
And always on our mind.
Forget the trivial,
Quit trying to rewind!
Don't sweat all the forgetting,
Because it gets worse with time.
Take these last days,
One precious step at a time.
Focus on love and life,
Seek the good you can always find,
And believe in more than yourself,
For it will refresh your mind,
Leaving you filled with peace,
Though ever out of step with time,
Forever trying to recall,
And always falling behind.
That's ok.
This can all be called the perfect time.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
A beautiful day ... much like today, ten years later ... and I was on my way to work as a telemarketer for a call center here in my home town of Ogallala, NE. The radio went on alert with a report that a plane had crashed into one of the Twin Towers of the Trade Center in New York City.
"What!? Oh my God! What could this be?" I remember mumbling out loud.
I drove into the parking lot of my work and ran into the building and announced loudly, "Have you all heard the news?"
A few blank stares met my eyes, just as the supervisor came out of her office and together we announced that a plane crashed into the World Trade Center.
I went to my assigned cubicle and put my personals away as I sat down to log in and begin my day. I felt numb as I began my calls. It wasn't even 15 minutes into the job when the phone lines went blank and the call center went down. Our supervisor reappeared and announced that the phone lines were down for an undetermined amount of time and everyone would be sent home for the day. Any other day I would have been elated that we had an unexpected day off. But this day was different. Different? How?
I packed up my things and couldn't shake feeling alarmed, scared even. Everyone was trying to analyze what was happening as they gathered their things and headed out the door. An accident? Another Pearl Harbor? A joke ... we knew NOTHING, but we all felt a premonition of doom, of something out of balance.
"Lord," I silently prayed, "please protect us!"
Protect us from what? Us? I was recalling Oklahoma. Even remembering Columbine. Our great country is full of sick thinking so I was preparing for the worst. I had no idea how the 'worst' would unfold as it did that day. Our easy access to such events through the various media seared the events to our soul.
Instead of driving home, I drove over to Mom and Dad's. As I opened the front door, they were both watching the horror unfold on TV. I recognized that look of alarm on their faces. Didn't I just leave an environment of alarmed looking telemarketers? The day would draw in alarmed expressions from all walks of life and from all over the world. Alarm that would grow into despair, anguish and sheer shock.
Mom moved her pillows from the end of the couch to make room for me. I sat right beside her. Being near her seemed to make me feel more settled, more secure. I knew my folks were just as powerless as I. Still, there was some comfort in sitting as near as Mom would let me. I felt like a little girl again and had this crazy desire to climb into her lap. Yeah, sitting as close as I could get was good.
.... and later in the day, she and I would tell each other how grateful we were to be with each other. Families would be watching what we were watching and they would know someone inside the towers or one of the first responders. For them the agony would find no comfort. We still had each other. Mom and I said a prayer for everyone. Ok, I said the prayer but Mom was holding my hand and agreeing with me.
Dad sat in his recliner with his hand over his mouth. It amazed me that he was so quiet most of the day. He'd have moments of ranting when we learned that it was a terrorist attack but even his ranting was mostly quiet. He hadn't been feeling well since coming home from a recent hospital stay. And after this traumatic day, he seemed to decline faster and would go to be with the Lord less than 5 months later. He was also a veteran and had seen war and didn't like it then and sure didn't like it now. Now? He knew we would be going to war as a result of this. We all thought it would be with Egypt since the terrorists were from Egypt or Iran. Dad would have been surprised that we went back to Iraq. Anyway, rather Dad wasn't feeling well or reeling from the events unfolding on TV ... he was quiet. Too quiet. Later in the day, I would look over to witness tears rolling down his cheeks as he sat silently crying. In that moment I felt so small and helpless.
So there we sat, in silence, watching ... shocked. My only comfort of the moment, of the whole day, was being with two people I loved dearly. Together we witnessed, and cried, and despaired for all those in the Twin Towers and the unfolding terror that we could only watch...
... I only watched ... and it tore my heart out of my soul. I can't imagine what the experience was like for those who became innocent victims of such senseless evil. I can't imagine what one went through when they jumped from one death to another. I can't even fathom what sickness holds someone to commit suicide while killing thousands of innocents. I cry for those who went up to save lives and lost their own. I marvel at the survivor stories, miracles amid the tragic loss, and the heroes, like Flight 93 and all the first responders and all the people who helped each other. I was moved so much that, ten years later, I still feel a knot in my stomach and my heart still aches. And I wasn't even there ... I could only watch ...
Osama Bin Laden is dead now. He was supposedly the master mind, the leader of such evil. He was killed by the United States under the order of President Barack Obama. And he never was in Iraq ... but President Bush put us there and ... ok, ok, I'm digressing. So the king pin was finally brought down. But that pales to the impact of that day, 9/11/01, when terrorists brought down the Twin Towers. Ten years later there are still more questions then answers, more sorrow than joy and more fear than trust.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Labor Day Weekend usually finds me on a bike trip with my husband, touring somewhere, in this awesome country we live in. Several reasons kept me home this year and my disappointment was completely erased last night, when hanging at home, gave me the opportunity to finally check this annual festival out. I love the blues!
The day opened on a planned day of work. Up by 6 am to prepare for the final day of my weekend garage sale. A couple of dear friends had come from Kearney to help me with the sale and brought a new golden retriever puppy with them. So the sun came up, dog went out for her morning duties, coffee was brewed and garage sale baked goods were raided for breakfast. Then ... to work...
We closed up the garage sale by mid afternoon, and everyone took turns cleaning up for our evening date with the blues while watching the Nebraska football game! Nebraska won! The festival was to start at 5 pm and we weren't going to be on time. Finally ready ... we set out for Lewellen as the sun was setting.
As we drove into town, my friends asked me for directions. I'd never been to this winery since it's opening so my directions were to just open up the windows and listen for music and follow it's sound. That's what small towns are all about. As it turned out, driving down main street, one couldn't miss it even if the band hadn't already been playing to lure us near.
We weren't the only ones arriving late and as we walked up to the gate, a gal asked me if we were going to the festival. Before I could answer she took note of two tickets I was holding and commented that I probably didn't need any tickets.
"Oh but I do." I told her.
"I have these two tickets but I still need to buy one."
She then handed me a ticket and I asked her how much it was ...
I had bought two tickets for the 'early' purchase price of $15 earlier in the week and knew the third ticket was gona cost me $20 at the gate. I was hoping she would only want $15.
... She GAVE me the ticket!! Wow! I asked her if I could hug her and thanked her profusely!
Yes, these are tough times and usually 'concerts' are a luxury and often not experienced during such times. But I LOVE the blues. I was going to be home this time. I soooo wanted to go and I didn't want to make my friends pay for their own tickets especially after helping me with the garage sale AND what if they didn't like the blues ... anyway, what a blessing this surprise free ticket was! AND my friends loved the festival so much so they purchased a couple of CD's of the last band! ~ Note to Co: Thank you, darlin, for the CD. Listening to it as I write this blog. ~
While the sun went down, we set up our lawn chairs, put out our blankets to wrap up in when the cool crisp air settled in after dark and set out to purchase a gourmet hamburger and some ice tea.
Later we would learn how to get a commemorative wine glass and could taste the various wines the winery specialized in by the glass or the bottle. Beer and soft drinks were available also.
Picnic tables were near the grill but most had brought their own lawn chairs and were comfortably snuggled into their own blankets ... such a comfortable, warm (in spite of the early fall chill) and fun atmosphere. Cudos to Lewellen, to 17 Ranch Winery, for making such a festival available to us sand hill natives ... to those of us who love the blues.
Love the blues?
We missed the 1st bands performance. We arrived during the second half of the second bands performance. Sol-De-Joe , out of Denver, Co, had a slamming bass player, a sultry sax player, great vocals and all round sound that left you wanting for more. Check em out for yourself and see if you agree they are worthy of enjoyment.
The final band, Mary Bridget Davies Group, was soooo worth hanging through the cold night to hear! Mary has a voice that reminded me of Janis Joplin. She did some favorite Janis tunes and was right on ... closed my eyes and could see and hear Janis ... opened my eyes and could see Mary and hear both Janis and Mary. What a voice this woman has!!
And between songs she was such a kick! Funny, light, sexy, and soulful! Mary is one that must be seen as well as heard!!
And her band ... wow!! The bass player was captivating and made sitting still IMPOSSIBLE. Once some of the sound issues were refined ... wow!! The whole band is like a puzzle that fits perfectly. Each is a stand alone performer and ... well, all I can say is ... wow!!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Garden Therapy or Survival
I've planted a garden only two other times.
The first was the spring after fleeing Colorado from an abusive step dad to Mom's folks home in Paxton, NE. There was a small vacant lot next to the home my grandparents rented. Grandma helped me clear a small plot and gave me some seeds. I planted the most vibrant, full, crowded little plot with all kinds of flowers. I was 10 years old back then, with a completely broken spirit, and that little flower garden was my salvation ... along with a white cat I called Pepsi. A little garden, a loyal cat, and a Grandma, with unlimited hugs, bandaged my injured spirit, watered my soul and made me want to grow.
The second time I tried gardening was nearly 20 years later in the back yard of the only home I co-owned with my 1st husband. It was a much larger garden then my first one and much larger than this garden of 2011. I remember the most wonderful tomatoes that garden produced the first year. And I remember the tomato blight that ruined the crop the second year. Hm ... blight in the garden and it would be a type of 'blight' that would ruin that marriage and prevent a third planting of that garden in the city of Lincoln, NE.
One garden healed and one garden revealed.
Now, here it is, over another 20 years later, and my third garden has evolved from small test plots planted next to the porch of Ron's country home, to it's new location on what I call, 'Ron's back forty'. It took him near a month to finally pick a spot and till it. It took me even longer to figure out what would be planted.
Ron, my husband, is not fond of 'farming'. His passion is with Harley Davidson Motorcycle's.
Me? I've not wanted to have too many plants to care for because I tend to kill them more often then not. I wasn't sure I even wanted to plant this garden ... let alone watch it grow.
And grow it has.
I'm glad I planted this garden. It has already given me more then what was expected. There's an unexplained therapy in the preparation, planting and maintenance of a garden. In that and more, there is a spiritual experience in gardening. Before churches and temples ... there was the Garden of Eden. It wasn't a house, palace, or tent that God placed man and his partner in. It was a garden.
A garden is survival. By what we eat, is how we will stand or fall. 'Manufactured' food has become toxic for us. These reasons and feeling more alarmed about what the future may entail, influenced my desire to grow a garden this year. Survival may depend on how well one is prepared. If my garden survives me, a novice, and I grow to be a passionate gardener, then there's hope I'll stand more than I fall.
One garden healed, one garden revealed,
Each garden gives the gardener it's secrets,
One garden flowers, one garden sours,
Let this garden seal all regrets.
One garden small, one garden full of falls,
May God bless this garden where it sets.
One garden at 10, the other at 30 back then,
To this garden at 58 and in all hope begets,
One garden growing, one garden knowing,
If this gardener God will bless.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Ryenn's Day, Today
Today, Ryenn will celebrate her birthday with a slumber party. She is sooo excited and is planning a Justin Beeber theme. It sounds like fun but it was gona be too crowded for us old folks. That was one of the reasons why we came a week early. :)
Today, their home will be full of giggles and little Justin Beeber fanatics. Last week it was just us. We got to have Ryenn all to ourselves. Right now she tolerates that well. Much too soon, she may follow the path our eldest granddaughter is on. The one where Nana and Popo are such a bore. :(
Today, Ryenn will be doing all that she and her Momma planned for her special day. Last week, it was great fun to catch Ryenn by surprise with a candle in her breakfast pancakes (tho they lit the second candle that we included in case the first one got broke), a song and a card about beans and farts ... only a youngster would understand the humor in that. We capped the day by settling in with a rented movie, 'Rango'.
Today you are 9 years old. Happy Birthday, little one! Thank you, my lovely child, for sharing you and making last weekend so special. We will be thinking of you all day and saying a quick prayer for your Dad and Mom for calming vibes when a house full of girls seems overwhelming. Above all, know that you are loved and you fill us with such pride.
Today, I praise my Lord and thank Him for the blessing all my grandchildren are.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Storm Watching, Beginners Luck
I've always been a sky watcher. I can make stories up in the billowy folds of cloud formations that cross our Nebraska sky and I take cover when the dark clouds blow in with lightning shows that dazzle as much as they sizzle!
A storm chaser I'm not.... but that is something that I would love to do.... from a distance and not underneath em.
I'm sure it is not wise to stand beneath such a close, dangerous looking, impending storm, video tape rolling (of which I tried to post but still photos is all I could get to post) and praying for protection. I'm sure prayer works best when using common sense, right?
I'm grateful that the Lord I was praying to, held back the hail and didn't form those ominous looking clouds into a tornado, to lift the house up and off to OZ. I wonder if anyone else, standing on their porch .... watching, but unlike me, were whisked away when they failed to retreat safely to the basement? If anyone has, they must not have lived to tell about it. And if they were video taping ... well, guess we may never know, huh? Yes, I'm ever so grateful that my foolishness hasn't yet destroyed me.
Angels or storm watching beginners luck?
The calm after the storm. A short rainbow and the sweet, clean, smell after a rain is all that remains after such fury. For us, we had to right a few blown over chairs and reopen windows in the house to a clean, calm breeze. But I began to pray for those whom this storm was on it's way to scare and that they might heed the warning and retreat to safety.
P.S. To those who know me, should you hear of me being whisked away in a storm, keep looking for the camera/video that was surely recording my foolishness.
Friday, June 17, 2011
It's Friday Night And I've No Where To Go
I guess I'm one of those who only remember this issue more due to his name ... Weiner. :) Every time I hear his name, those Oscar Mayer Weiner songs play through my mind. (Yes, there were two versions of the song!)
Showbiz Tonight's, A.J. Hammer, is opening his discussion with some ... well ... it all has to do with the name, Weiner. And, for Mr Hammer, its not the Oscar Mayer Weiner songs that he's reminded of. He seems more focused on, well, things like:
The Big Spin ... Congressman Weiner's News Conference ... Lies, that in truth he finally admits to 'showin his buisness'... Weiner's other package ... He's leaving with a bulging retirement package (which should be interesting to note that Mr Weiner's package could be worth more than a million dollars, and may include an annual pension, a gold plated health care plan, and a capitol hill parking space,) and the climax of the whole scandal? He could possibly be heading to Hollywood!!
What a lucky twit. (No, A.J. Hammer didn't say that on his show. This is my comment.)
Ok, ok, this is not why I decided to post on my blog tonight.
Look at me, sitting here watching TV on a Friday night, alone, with a cold and no where to go ... which is good because of my cold. Even without a cold, though, I'd still be hangin, alone, on a Friday night, my usual mode, in these 'older' years. Alone, sitting and watching TV ... and this would be true, even if my husband wasn't off on a Father's Day ride, this weekend. We seem to migrate towards our own TV's. His in the living room and mine in my office. (We do have our moments when we watch the same program/movie and hang in his living room. But I'm in a self pity moment, sick with a spring cold, sooo ALONE is my wail tonight. Ok?)
It's Friday night and I don't feel like going anywhere. Just took some Nyquil to combat my cough, TV is full of junk and both my cats are hanging close enough to be annoying. This Friday night it is good to be alone and have no where to go ... but to bed to get well!
The question is ... will I be able to sleep without ....
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Take a walk with me thru my first day at 58.
Finally, Frieda #2, settles for a snooze while I spend some time in the Lords Word. Is it my imagination, or is there light illuminating off my Bible?
Later in the morning, it's 'Story Time' at the Library. But first, Grandson has to read about Farm Machinery.
Ms. Carolyn has some fun things in 'Story Hour' at our local library. Our normal class of 4-5 preschoolers has grown during the summer session! Takes alot to keep such a crowd of young uns, with an attention span of an ant, involved. Thank you soooo much for your fun time and awesome patience, Ms. Carolyn!
We took our snack time after 'Story Time' at one of Ogallala's city parks. Well ... I guess I snacked and grandchildren played ... and found lost cell phones. :)
Fast forward, thru nap time and working in the garden, to a Harley ride around Lake Mac (more than 50 miles) to feast on barbecue at the new Texas Roadhouse Barbecue joint just East off Martin Bay.
We took off down the highway from my husbands place (south side of Lake Mac) and rode towards Lewellen first, to scope out the rising flood inflows on the North Platte River. The sandhills have doned my favorite color ... Green!
Yes, I know this picture is a mite blurry. But if ya look to the bottom of the pic, you'll catch HOW I take many of my pictures off the back of my husbands Harley. :)
Notice the ripple indicating a fast in flow? Not normally that fast of a current for this North Platte River flow. Guess I shoulda given ya some before pictures to compare, huh? Also, wish I would have made Ron stop the bike and took pictures of how close the water was from, or to, the bottom of the Lewellen bridge.
Oh the peace of it all!! Doesn't look like flooding, does it? Seems to me like we are making a much to do about something that seems so part of the ebb and flow of life. If one builds next to a river, one has just invited the river to visit them from time to time. Regardless, if I had water in my basement, or my homestead was under water, it would be a MUCH TO DO! As it is, my flooded basements have been of another kind ... but that isn't our present journey, is it?
After a meal of pulled pork on a smothered baked potato and 2 glasses of gifted Chardonnay by my husbands work comrades and warm birthday wishes by most all the staff and patrons in the resturant ... ok, maybe the warmth was more due to those two glasses of wine ... we headed home in the sunset of the dawning of my 58th year.
I made my husband pull over on the highway to take the first shot of what we Ogallala natives call the 'slab' ... the very 'slab' that my son had to paint, years ago, and first to lay claim to the 'Leave Only Your Footprints' blue and white logo. This is the first time in several years the water in the lake has been high enough to surround the 'slab'.
The earlier years, in my youth, the 'slab' (without it's blue/white decor) was a favorite place to soak the sun and jump off of into water that was deep enough not to injure. At 58 now, I feel too old to be able to climb up on that 'slab', let alone jump off like I did in those younger years.
Yep, had to have a picture posted here in my blog since this 'slab' is part of my 58 year history!
Note: the second picture was taken from the back of the moving Harley, as were all the pictures that follow.
I'd like to thank all of you who sent me birthday greetings via card, or a homemade card (my lil Ryenn made for me ♥), those Facebook greetings, cell phone notes, all the wonderful calls, or just a thot, even. I've thanked my husband for the wonderfully relaxing putt around Lake Mac and some good food. Thank you, Fuzz, for taking all the kids so I could go on that Harley putt with Ron! Thank you, John and Billie, for my gift card! My daughter's gift of the most beautiful roses overwhelmed me! Thank you all!!
I am soooo blessed and feel soooo loved. Thank you. And Thank You, my Lord!!
58!! Whoda thot I'd make it!!! I'm looking forward to a big bash on my 60th!!! I'm talking big time barbecue, a poker run and maybe a band in the ole' man's man cave? 60 is young. Right? Well, two years to plan. Anyway, ... 58!! Wow ♥
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
What Is It Like To Be 58?
I consider it a miracle to have journeyed this far. Hm .. seems my Lord has plans for me here yet, or maybe ... I'm granted this time to enjoy the gift of grandchildren, or maybe I need to stop questioning and live in the miracle. ♥
Sunday, May 22, 2011
The Day After The End
Friday, May 20, 2011
And The World As We Know It Is About To End?
Well, I don't know what to believe. I read in God's Word that no one will know the hour or the day when the world will end ... or rather when Christ will come to take those He claims. I believe in a God of awesome wonder that has plucked me from the darkest place and given me hope that I can be more than I ever dreamed I could be by myself. Alone I am nothing. God is my only hope. But even though I cling to God ... I fear the unknown.
So what!
What if tomorrow is our last day?
What will you, or I, be doing?
What if tomorrow was the last day of your life as you know it?
What will you do?
What will I do?
What is after ... what is beyond the end?
Sunday, May 1, 2011
All My Life Is Making The Turns
A new age I embark as I near 60.
These wrinkles did warn me,
That youth had gone and left me.
We all know things don't last,
Not youth,
Nor our twenties, thirties and on.
Such is the road we all travel on,
Change is the only thing to rely on.
From the babe in Mother's arms,
To the babe of my motorcycle man,
To the babe of our Lord and Saviour Man,
Where life began and is given back again.
Trading in my young, plumb, healthy flesh,
For some wrinkles and the full mind.
Yes, full! So full, I forget all the time,
Especially when a mirror I find,
And see a stranger looking back at me.
Hard to believe I'm two from 60!
Only the Lord could have brought me,
Through my life and all the wrong turns.
Here's hoping this last turn,
Will be mostly right in my final walk,
And full of friends that share the walk,
And the wrinkles,
And the hard times amid the giggles.
Life is like that,
A full life is just that,
Paths that twist and adjourn,
Change, a constant in all the turns.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Spring Blizzard 2011
This morning the music alerted me to the fact my husband was not home. He had called me yesterday, shortly after he was due home from work, to tell me he wouldn't be home for an undetermined amount of time as a nearby town was out of lights. I went to sleep last night listening to the howling wind and wondering how long my husband would be called out. I would find out later in the morning that he tried to come home around midnight but got stuck in 8 foot drift at beginning of drive. After digging himself out, he returned to catnap at his office before getting called out again. Some jobs suck when the weather is poopy.
The early morning light was just dawning. And by 6 am the dawning day reveals a heavy, wet, covering of snow and a wind so strong that it can still move that wet snow into billowing drifts, some near 8 foot high.
Mom's car, that I had left parked outside the garage in the beautiful spring weather just days before, was drifted in. This left no doubt that I was snowed in and, no doubt, my husband was snowed out. I reconfirmed this when I looked out to the highway that runs by our home and couldn't see the highway through the blowing snow.
I couldn't see the highway but I could see the headlights of a semi and the warning blinkers AND the fact the truck was not moving. Stalled? Stuck? Later it would be joined by five pick-ups, a white SUV, three more semi's and a snow plow. A traffic jam just outside my big picture window, on a rural highway, with blinding, blowing snow making it difficult to see if they were all stuck or just stalled.
It is now nearly seven hours later and snow is melting everywhere. The highway has been cleared of it's traffic jam and there are even a few cars trying to travel it now. Why don't they just take a snow day instead of fighting the wind, possible white outs, and risk getting stuck in remaining drifts?
What started yesterday, after I got home from a cleaning job and picking up grandson, as a beautiful, large flaked, snow quickly turned in to a blowing, blinding snow/rain blizzard that won out over spring during the night. Now ... sun is shining, blindingly so, and snow is melting faster than it can blow away. Spring is strutting her stuff again and I applaud her effort!
Yesterday, I listened to thunder amid the blizzard and today I listen to the heavy clumps of snow/ice slide off the roof and PLOP with a loud thud. I should go take some pictures and put em up. ... or just wrap my blanket more securely around me, and savor my hot chocolate with the day off that this spring blizzard has offered me.
No picture? Guess you know what I did instead, huh?
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Please Take The Gloom Away!
The 9.0 magnitude earthquake and following Tsunami that hit Japan was heartbreaking to watch unfold and difficult to witness. The resulting nuclear impact is still being felt and will haunt the world for years to come. A mix of awe for the honorable way the Japanese people have tried to cope with such devastation and anger for the foolish faith in nuclear power and it's 'I told you so' danger. I can't imagine what horrors and strife the people of Japan are experiencing right now. It appears the rest of us may share some of the burden in the wake of this ongoing disaster. Only time will tell.
It seems the world news is full of crisis. So much angst.
Our government is in political chaos over our overwhelming budget woes and those of us who don't really get any say, have predictable fears that all the financial burden will fall square on the middle class, poor, elderly and less fortunate. What's the answer? I'm a peon ... a nothing, except for my ability to work so that my wage can be raped. No answers from me ... only pain.
So how does one find some sunshine when clouds abound?
With no plane to rise above the clouds,
And gas to search out the sun,
Is not worth the trade for food to feed my sons.
Turned on all the lights I could find,
But shadows are deeper than clouds,
And the light is nothing like the sun,
And not worth the trade for the health of my sons.
Even when the sun breaks out,
Here I sit in self made clouds,
Afraid of all made known in the sun,
And not worth the sacrifice felt by my son.
No one wants to believe in sunshine.
All faith is much like a cloud.
Here today but gone with the sun,
And then no reason to remember the Real Son.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Try Try Again
Damn! Ate two pieces of Cherry Pull-A-Part Twizzlers! Pieces, as in 2 strips that can be pulled apart to make several skinny, rope like, pieces. Guess this is so one can prolong the enjoyment? Me, I just eat em .. no pulling apart and wastin time!!
My ONLY consolation is that it was only two pieces. Normally, or rather abnormally, I polish off the whole package. Today I only ate two. The last two in the package. I have two more FULL packages in my desk drawer. I had intended to have ALL the packages consumed before the 15th. I was polishing off my Hershey's Cherry Cordial Kisses (8 packages of em) which I knew could not be left over or I'd succumb. I thought I could resist the temptation with the Twizzlers. Wrong!
I posted on my Facebook page, yesterday, that those darn Twizzlers were screaming at me from the desk drawer. Some suggestions were to throw them away. Outta sight, outta mind was part of one friends comment. I remember reading that and feeling a tug at my ... well ... whatever compulsions tug at, and throwing them away was the last thing I wanted to do.
Another friend suggested I give them away to the kids I Nanny. I did that yesterday. Those last two pieces was what was left. One of the reasons I'm doing a sugar cleanse for 6 months was to get away from corn syrup. Cherry Pull-A-Part Twizzlers are all corn syrup. Corn syrup is bad stuff, really. And addicting. Probably shouldn't give it to my little ones anymore, either, huh?
When I'm done posting this, I'm going to go get those packages from my desk drawer and throw them away and try again.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
No Sugar??
Why am I doing this? I have been compulsively eating the above mentioned sweets for more than a year and the weight I've gained alarms me. (Duh!!) I can't fit into 3/4 of the clothes I have, and I have ALOT of clothes. I've posted in earlier blogs about my eating disorder and one of the panic triggers is weighing over 145 pounds. Well, I'm way over that!
Maybe my fear of following in my Mother's walk is prompting this sugar cleanse, too.
Mom battled morbid obesity beginning in the late 70's until today. Shortly after she divorced her third husband, Mom got involved with Weight Watchers and for a few years in the 80's she got back down to her knock out self. She never was a thin woman. She was more like a Marilyn Monroe build. But after a couple of years into her fourth marriage, she began to lose control again and ballooned over the years to weighting more than 400 pounds. Broke my heart.
I love Mom dearly and for most of the years she battled with her weight, I was impressed. She was a great dresser and when she'd deck out for church, I'm sure she was the prettiest large woman there! It wasn't until a few years before her fourth husband died, that I became alarmed at how large she was really getting. She only wore dresses and they were so, frumpy and ... well, awful. Eventually she wore only these large, floor length, lounger gowns, sometimes even to church. I understand now, what I didn't then, Mom was probably in the early stages of Dementia Alzheimer's. These last nine years have been very difficult for her ... and me.
So, again, why am I doing this sugar cleanse? To try to get a grip on my unhealthy eating habits. I can learn by Mom's walk how to detour a future crisis by turning now before IT IS too late. It's never too late to change one's bad habits, right? Besides, this is one of my New Year's Resolutions.
Today no sugar. In fact, today I will fast. It will be like a trigger, a break, an impact ... NO FOOD. A day of water, tea and I didn't give up that cup of coffee this morning.
Later in the day ...
The day is near over and my stomach is talking to anyone who will listen. The noise even scared my cats off my lap.
Tomorrow, I will begin my walk into healthier eating habits. If I'm still alive!!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
The Love Month!
Yes, I drew this. Not an artist, but I've drawn hearts all my life. Often, when I write a note, I'll end it with this heart. ... only smaller.
February is here!!! The Love Month? Sure, why not?
February houses Valentines Day, one of my favorite holidays! A day to celebrate LOVE! Valentines are given away in homes, schools, nursing homes, and just about anywhere one wants to share a valentine card. Oh, and also flowers, balloons, and TREATS! All given or shared in celebration of LOVE. That's my definition.
Webster defines;
Valentine's Day ~ February 14, observed in honor of St Valentine as a day for the exchange of valentines and other tokens of affection. Also called Saint Valentine's Day.
valentine ~ 1. a card or message, usu. amatory or sentimental, or a gift sent by one person to another on Valentine's Day, sometimes anonymously. 2. a sweetheart chosen or greeted on this day. 3. A written, or other artistic work, message, etc., expressing affection.
Ok, I'm blonde so I had to look up amatory ~ of or pertaining to lovers or lovemaking; expressive of love. Hm ... amatory? Guess I won't be reading this definition to my husband or he may be thinking he is gona get lucky on Valentine's Day. Don't know why Webster didn't just use the word amorous or better, sexual. ie; a card or message, usu. sexual or sentimental ... see, leaves no room for my blonde questions.
... and I found out that Saint Valentine was a Christian martyr at Rome.
Ok, definition and history aside, Valentine's Day is another time for me to let my family and friends know how important they are to me. I wish I could write of all the special things I do on this day but I don't always do something ... I THINK about doing something special each year, but have only followed through with ACTION a few years in a row. More often, I just think and don't do.
This year is going to me my action year. Starting today I will begin to send a LOVE note to all that come to mind, expressing to them why they are so special to me and/or the folks around them. I have so many folks to write to and to keep this a labor of love, I shall send a few notes each day of February. Hm ... better get started.
Today, I will begin with my Mom and a dear lady, Gertrude McVay, that I have adopted as a Mom and my dear Mother-in-law, Ruth Harrison.
Monday, January 31, 2011
31 Days
Hm .... now that I'm reflecting and missing ... I especially miss my evening mix of 3 parts of Copra De Ora coffee liqueur with 1 part of McCormicks creme liqueur. This went from one or two drinks in the evenings of November and December 2010 to finishing off both bottles New Year's Eve night. Since I'd made the decision to quit drinking again nearly a month earlier ... no reason to leave those last two bottles to tempt me to break my 2011 resolve. Right?
Will I ever drink again? If I could promise never to be compulsive again and drink in such moderation as to not harm my liver, which is already trying to check out before the rest of me is ready, then I would answer,
"Hell, YEAH!"
I cannot promise that. In fact, I have visited Hell in my drinking history. Not just once but more times than I care to elaborate on. Such visits, in my past, are the main reason I have quit drinking before. Seems I get a few years of not drinking under my belt ... and maybe the time off softens those visits to Hell ... and maybe I don't want to believe I am an alcoholic ... and I'd return ... with an attempt to drink differently. Did I? For a while, maybe. Once I retired my favorites, Jack Daniels and Tequila, my drinking was more manageable. But not my thinking.
Will I ever drink again? For 31 days I haven't. I'm retiring all liqueur drinks with my 'fake' friends Jack and To-Kill-Ya (Tequila, for those of you that may be wondering.) and made a 2011 resolution to stop drinking. I'm committing to this year. If wine and beer ever make it back into my life, it will be because I will, once again, be attempting to drink differently. Will I be able to do it? Will I even want to drink again, by then? Hm .... for 31 days ... and counting.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
I see love in the big blue eyes of my daughter, when she grabs my leg and looks up, up, and up, and says, "I wuv you Mommy!"
The heart of a child,
That trusts,
That believes,
And gives without expectations.
Short in anger,
Quick to forgive - forget,
Innocent in risking freely,
Without fear of hurt.
... 'Come unto Me as a child' ...
A child can teach us much of love.
I wrote this in 1984.
Friday, January 28, 2011
No frigging way, I'm screaming in my head.
I last weighted 158.2 pounds on December 22, 2010! Yes, I panicked. Since I had already committed to not drinking after New Year's Eve, my panic was short and sweet. But more than a month later and I weight 6.3 pounds more AND I've not had my creme liqueur drinks for 28 days now. Geez, how much heavier was I? Or, worse, how slow am I going to lose the next 30 pounds! Crap!
What am I going to do? February 15th is my target date for not eating any more processed sugar! I have 18 more days to gorge on Cherry Pull-a-part Twizzlers and Hershey's Cherry Cordial Kisses! (Ok, so I have a thing for Cherry ... but it has to have a CERTAIN Cherry flavor. Not just ANY Cherry flavor will do!) Crap!
I can't afford to gain more weight. I'm already having troubles climbing stairs without becoming winded and when I bend over to put my socks on, I feel like I have the grand kids Diego ball in my lap and I'm bending over it. Crap!
Quit sugar now? NOW?! Why NoW!? Crap!
164.5 pounds! A half a pound away from 165 and only 35 pounds away from 200! Crap!
Can I gain 35 pounds in 18 days? February 15 isn't that far away. Right? Crap!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Why Would I?
Why would I,
In the splendor of my humble home,
Want such riches, young or old?
Why would I,
Want all I could buy?
What would I do,
With possessions all new?
Where would I go,
If so much money I could blow?
France, Paris, even Italy,
Oh the places I could finally see!
No more strict budget,
Buy all the food and clothes I can get!
No more thrift shops!
Well, no, not all things would I stop.
Oh such fun avails us,
If rich I truly was!
But who'd I be,
With so much money?
Would I still love,
And desire as strong, my God above?
Would I be happy,
With no growing trials to need?
Would you still be here,
Someone to call and be near?
Would it be me for you to stay,
Or my riches to give away?
Would it be the same,
If so very rich I became?
Rich? Me?
How absurd!!
My Time
This house so quiet,
so full.
These hours are mine,
A time to ponder the day,
gone by.
Smiling inside,
So fond of this precious time,
alone am I.
A cup of herb tea,
A book, or mostly the T.V.,
with me.
No crys of Mom,
Meals all cooked and ate,
just tired.
I look around me,
Warm inside I see,
this my home.
This house so quiet,
My home, my loves,
my life.
December 3, 1982
I miss that home at 33rd & Orchard in the Star City. ♥
You and I a Crowd
Such is life,
As we gather together,
To clean away, start the day.
To do this one at a time,
With much more space,
Of course, it's out of place!
No, we have put our heads,
Same time,
Same place,
Over this sink together,
Bumping elbows,
Opps! Splashed water on your nose!
Silly faces,
Lots of noise,
Splashing, spitting, laughing,
You and I a crowd.
Yes, such is this life,
To put up with this kind of strife!
But oh memories,
We are making here,
You and I,
By this sink, young and old?
Me at 31 and you at 3,
Loving and brushing teeth!
Wrote this poem on August 4, 1984.
The picture was taken when Shelby was 5 and I was 33.
I have to smile when I read this and realize this poem continues in my heart with my grandchildren.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
"Notice anything different about me, Mom?"
I look him over, smiling inside, and guess, "you've got muscles?"
He was always telling me about his muscles once he turned 9.
"Nope." He says with a gleam in his eyes.
"Your freckles are darker?"
"Your boobs are growing?"
"No," he laughs.
"I got good posture!" He proudly reveals.
"Yeah," he goes on, "remember how I use to slouch when I ate?"
"Well, now I don't!"
I wonder what he will grow at next, I think to myself, that smile still inside.
Wrote this in 1982. Was living in Lincoln, NE on the corner of 33rd and Orchard at the time. John was 10 and his little sister was just over a year old.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
New Year's Resolutions 2011 (Part 2)
Guess, I better just focus on what I can change in my life, one year at a time, in a step by step, one day at a time, way. So, for 2011, I resolve to:
1. Stop drinking. Last drink was on New Year's Eve 2010.
I laid down whiskey, my favorite being Jack Daniels, on December 31, 1997. From there I would just drink wine, vodka or coffee and creme liqueurs until August 6, 2002, when I laid down all alcohol for a year. I wanted to go on a vision quest, similar to the Native American Vision Quests I had been researching for a few years after reading Rainbow Tribe. One had to deny themselves of something that could interfere with the focus of the vision quest. It took longer than a year to experience 'my' form of a vision quest, a story too long to relate at this writing, and I stayed away from alcohol until a trip, with Mom, four years later.
That trip, four years later, was when I took Mom to have major surgery done on her abdomen in Loveland, CO. Here, again, there is a long story behind this event, that I won't go into now, but I drank a glass of wine. I rationalized for the next 4 years that a periodic wine, beer or mild liqueur drink was not harmful. As long as I used alcohol in a moderate way and never got drunk, then things should be fine. Right?
Why quit drinking now? Because this last year I was drinking more than I knew was healthy for me. When I went through my severe back pain for 5 1/2 months last year, and refused to use morphine, oxycontin, darvoset, codeine (allergic to anyway), or any other major narcotic to deaden the pain, I used alcohol. I swore, to myself, if I started getting drunk that I would quit.
Well, I got drunk the night a well known local, native to Ogallala, shot himself. This man wasn't even related to me, or really that close to me, but the tragedy triggered some old tapes inside me and I escaped in my Copra De Ora! Did I quit drinking then? No. That was in September. By December, I was drinking nearly every day a drink or two, and even though I didn't get drunk again, my weight ballooned from 138 to 162 pounds. All this seemed to be in my stomach. I looked very pregnant.
I have a liver disease and the swelling indicated to me that my liver was enlarged again. If my health wasn't enough of a red flag, my budget was. I was ignoring how often I drank until the Holiday packaging of my favorite creme drinks included 2 cute glasses. After I had collected 10 glasses in less that a month, I became painfully aware that my drinking was not moderate.
From the years I've been involved in 12 step groups, I've learned that a person has a problem if, what they're doing, affects; family relationships, finances, health, work, or social relationships. If just one of these areas is notably affected, it is a red flag. I had three red flags waving.
So ... on New Year's Eve, I drank the last of my creme liqueur drinks and, one day at a time, I'm moving forward with this resolve. May the Lord bless my effort and help me keep this resolve strong.
2. Go on a sugar cleanse for at least 6 months.
I have targeted February 15, 2011, as my start date to withdraw from sugar. Why wait til then and why not do this in unison with not drinking alcohol? I don't deal well with change and to try this in stages, may help me succeed and accept these much needed changes. Besides, I so enjoy Valentines Day and look forward to my Hershey's Cherry Cordial Kisses!
I suffer as a sugaraholic! I believe it will be more of a challenge for me to go on this sugar cleanse than to not drink.
3. Go back to eating less red meat and eating more organic and healthy food.
Gona be much poorer, since to eat right is expensive, but I'm reaching an age that, to stick around, I better eat better. We are what we eat. Too many of us are committing a slow suicide by what we put in our mouths. Besides myself, another such person is my mother.
The pain my mother has experienced with her morbid obesity has been difficult to witness. Watching her yoyo over several years until she seemed to finally surrender and fight no more, was akin to the days she stood by, too frightened to protect her own children from her second husband as he nearly killed us all in his drunken rages.
Mom was never a skinny woman. She was a healthy Marilyn Monroe size until her third marriage. Maybe when that marriage began to crumble, Mom needed food to comfort her. Food for her was like alcohol is for me. Was this her way of covering feelings of guilt, of her own inadequacies, of her own private pain and trauma in three failed marriages? Answers to these questions, I guess, are between her and God. I just know, as her daughter, that her struggle was difficult to witness.
I also believe her struggles influenced my own eating issues. I've battled feelings of embarrassment when she reached her heaviest and then personal guilt when I would gorge myself in the ways I knew she did in secret. Secret? We would catch her, when we woke in the night to use the bathroom, eating loaves of white bread, smothered in margarine. Or we'd wake in the morning to find the leftovers, from the evening meal, gone.
Just as I use to swear I would never abuse my children the way her second husband traumatized us, I swore I would never be a big as my Mom. It wasn't until the eating disorders of anorexia and bulimia reached the headlines, that I recognized my own eating patterns in those disorders. I would gorge and then eat a package of EX-LAX, have a severe case of diarrhea and this would help me drop weight and/or keep it off. (Of course this was before they changed their original formula to prevent such abuse.) I couldn't make myself throw up but I would often starve myself for a several days with the help of speed (we called them white crosses back then) or, after I stopped using speed, I'd eat ridiculously small portions or I'd eat only one meal a day.
When I went through a counseling training program and was later hired at the Independence Center, I became aware of my eating disorder. It would be a couple more years before I faced my eating disorder in a treatment program in O'Neil, NE and it would take several more years learning about nutrition and trying to eat healthier before my body would finally eliminate properly. When you regularly abuse laxatives, the way I had for several years, the body depends on the laxative and falls out of balance. To put it bluntly ... I lost the ability to poop on my own for a while there. The healthier my thinking seemed to get, the healthier my eating habits became. And, yes, the healthier my ....
Anyway, at this time in my life, I tend to go in cycles. I guess you could call it yoyoing. I've yet to stabilize and maintain a steady, healthy weight. I have never been obese, or even overweight for more than a few months. But I yoyo from eating junk food, especially at night (like Mom) til I can't wear anything but my 'fat' pants, to eating healthy for me until some crisis takes me back to bingeing on junk food for months again. I want to change that. I can't do it alone anymore so this resolve will need God's help. Lord, will You help me? I pray I never give up trying to eat healthy.
4. Take up my Yoga again.
Actually any regular exercise will be good to incorporate into my life this year.
5. Reconnect with family.
I haven't been a very good wife, sister, aunt, daughter, niece. I've drifted away from family and I want to change that.
6. Reconnect with friends.
As with family, I've neglected my friends. The last few years I've isolated myself. Why?
7. Remember last year's resolution to sell most of my stuff and to clear out the clutter? Well, that resolution is continued into 2011.
8. Find a church home?
Church? Such a place was not important to my family. Nor was praying. In fact, the most I ever heard about God was when someone was swearing. Who was God and what did he mean to me? I wouldn't find out until I was in my early 20's.
I was baptised when I was 13 at the Church of Christ with one of my best friends back then, Sherrie Lee. I was set up by some other 'best friends' to be raped that same year. This broke me. I became a full fledged rebel and an atheist for years after. I was broken and I blamed God for my brokenness.
It would be another best friend, Coleen Sakurada, that would help me let go of my anger at God and open the door to Him again. And it would be a few more years, after that, before I would realize that it was my brokenness that allowed me to find God again. I was then re baptized in the Berean Fundamentalist Church in Lincoln, NE shortly after the birth of my daughter. From here I began a long, stumbling, walk in a quest to know my Lord and why He is so important to me. A quest that continues to this day. A quest that pivots around His Word which I've come to believe is Living. It has been a quest wrought with falling, getting back up, only to fall again and just believing, in the midst of all my unanswered whys.
My Bible has been my church for a long time now. I don't grow in organized religion. I don't grow in rituals. But I miss being with people who share this love and passion for the Lord and His Word and believe it is Living ... not just a book with guidelines and a history of miracles ... but a Living Being that speaks to my heart and in a most personal way. Like a love letter. That love makes me want to change and believe that I'm not alone, that I don't have the strength or power to succeed, alone. I have a Supernatural Helper, a Father that guides and protects me. He was there when I was in pain as a child, He's here in my pain as an adult. He is my reason I am.
I want to find a church that is growing and loving in His Word. I will know when I find it, just as I know when I read and feel His Shepherding, His love, His forgiveness, His Purpose for me. Is there that kind of home church out there?
I'm sure I have more resolutions and these all sound really generic. Maybe I'll return to add more, if needed. Or maybe this is enough, for the years are getting shorter. It is becoming more apparent to me that I will not make the transformation needed in this life time. I will forever fall short of what I need to be.