Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Love Month!

Yes, I drew this. Not an artist, but I've drawn hearts all my life. Often, when I write a note, I'll end it with this heart. ... only smaller.

February is here!!! The Love Month? Sure, why not?

February houses Valentines Day, one of my favorite holidays! A day to celebrate LOVE! Valentines are given away in homes, schools, nursing homes, and just about anywhere one wants to share a valentine card. Oh, and also flowers, balloons, and TREATS! All given or shared in celebration of LOVE. That's my definition.

Webster defines;

Valentine's Day ~ February 14, observed in honor of St Valentine as a day for the exchange of valentines and other tokens of affection. Also called Saint Valentine's Day.


valentine ~ 1. a card or message, usu. amatory or sentimental, or a gift sent by one person to another on Valentine's Day, sometimes anonymously. 2. a sweetheart chosen or greeted on this day. 3. A written, or other artistic work, message, etc., expressing affection.

Ok, I'm blonde so I had to look up amatory ~ of or pertaining to lovers or lovemaking; expressive of love. Hm ... amatory? Guess I won't be reading this definition to my husband or he may be thinking he is gona get lucky on Valentine's Day. Don't know why Webster didn't just use the word amorous or better, sexual. ie; a card or message, usu. sexual or sentimental ... see, leaves no room for my blonde questions.

... and I found out that Saint Valentine was a Christian martyr at Rome.

Ok, definition and history aside, Valentine's Day is another time for me to let my family and friends know how important they are to me. I wish I could write of all the special things I do on this day but I don't always do something ... I THINK about doing something special each year, but have only followed through with ACTION a few years in a row. More often, I just think and don't do.

This year is going to me my action year. Starting today I will begin to send a LOVE note to all that come to mind, expressing to them why they are so special to me and/or the folks around them. I have so many folks to write to and to keep this a labor of love, I shall send a few notes each day of February. Hm ... better get started.

Today, I will begin with my Mom and a dear lady, Gertrude McVay, that I have adopted as a Mom and my dear Mother-in-law, Ruth Harrison.

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