Sunday, May 6, 2012


There were thunderstorms rumbling through our Sandhills of NE last night so it was a treat to have the clouds break and this years Supermoon became visible.
My husband and I had just gotten home after a threatening thunderstorm chased us from a Cinco De Mayo celebration in Lewellen. We had spent most of the day on the Harley, riding with six other bikes, starting and ending at Lewellen with a celebration feast that was amazing and fun. If not for the weather we may have stayed later.
The warm day cooled down might fast as massive thunderheads began building like great mountains. As we turned into our drive, the moon made such a beautiful entrance. We missed the beginning rise, where it must have been amazingly huge. Last night the moon would be the closest to earth then all the rest of the year. Called by many names in many languages and cultures, I settled on Supermoon. We missed super huge but it looked like super bright was gona be our treat.
I ran to the house as my husband cleaned off the bike. (He says the bugs are easier to get off sooner than later.) I grabbed my camera and a bottle of water and joined him back in the shop. We rolled up some old office chairs to open shop door and sat watching the moon and I took shot after shot of dark pictures. A better camera would have captured the memories more perfectly.


  1. Don't get me wrong. This lil camera, a Panasonic Lumix, has been a great camera and takin quite a licking from the back of a Harley. Dropped it once in Sturgis and chipped the Leica lens. I'm so impressed with the little thing and though these pictures aren't the best of quality, I love the softness. But I'm also ready to move on to a better camera. Taking pictures has always been my passion. Not good enough to make a living at it and my kids are probably just gona pitch my trillions of pictures after I'm gone but ... whatever, huh? :)
