This day use to panic me. More often than not I have been able to eek out a return rather than pay in, so why panic? My Mom was audited once and what a mess she was. I don't think she was my only influence though. In school, I learned we came to this country to flee outrageous taxation and pursue religious freedom (among other persuits) only to become slaves to taxation and persecuted for our religious freedom!
Today there were 'tea parties' to protest our rising tax burden. I fear panic will soon be likened more as a calm word and national terror will be the nearer replacement. I fear even more though, the confusion of the masses, as we turn to devour even the innocent, in trying to find someone to stone for the guilt of this tax mess settling around our children and grandchildren.
Whose fault is it? Who cares!! Why is that so important, other than not following them into further demise....but since WHO is up for debate and has everyone's focus then time will be wasted...just as it was when a blind eye was turned to the gross greed that tumbled the housing market, the banks, the stock market, and more. Do these 'tea parties' know what the solotion is? Do they know why they doth protest?
Wow, nearly every community held some sort of 'tea party' protest. Took me back to my hippie years. Those were years just shy of the late 60 early 70's riots,then the assassinations of Senator Kennedy and Martin Luther King. It was too much!! No more!! Every one had a say, nearly everyone took to the streets...except us folks in the sandhills. If ya wanted to march in a protest you were going to have to get to a hub city where protests grew to thousands...all with one voice.
Yes, very impressive, for today's 'tea party' protests touched even the smaller communities in these here sandhills of Nebraska. People united in a single voice that cries out about the tax burden coming, far worse than any burden experienced thus far and is more than we can handle. Why? Because we are being asked to sacrafice our children.....and our grandchildren.
I'm excited for change. If it is change for the better. Hard change...even adversity is bearable if the end result is for the good of all. I'm willing to make sacrafices so my children and grandchildren can benefit from my mistakes. Benefit...not suffer!
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