Sunday, November 15, 2020

Hello? Is anyone out there?

It is almost Thanksgiving 2020 and I've not returned YET to my blog. So I guess this note is for me. I make lists now. More list making then ever in my 67 years. And on my most recent list I have listed 'return to blogging'.

Am I as lost as I wrote in my last two entries? No, I don't think so. But I am overwhelmed and maybe stuck wandering in a spiritual desert because I can't believe God would allow some of the stuff that have occurred in these past several years. Unless the end of this world, as we know it, is the current path we all are on? I'm tired of wandering in this spiritual desert. And I don't want to get caught in this spiritual desert if we are nearing the end of this world, as we've known it.

So ...

I hope to sort through my thoughts and organize them like I have been doing to my home and my Mom's home. Sort into piles the things I want to keep and the things I want, maybe need, to throw away, donate, or sell and unlock some chains that have been accepted as my friends but are toxic to my soul. Then write ... return to my passion regardless of my self judgments ... return to blogging.

Later ...