Friday, February 5, 2016


So Trump is your guy?
That tells me much about you.
A bully you worship makes me sigh,
Because no self love have you come by.

He calls people awful names,
And enlists a hate that pollutes.
No respect for the President fame,
He's for all the self worship he can gain!

He calls people fat, ugly and stupid,
And yet you all fall for his divisive scraps!
His platform is so very putrid, 
His words full of decayed meaning muted!

Trump will be a fatal missile,
That will destroy our democracy design,
With a Hitler like tinsel,
And a 'LOOK AT ME I'M SO GREAT' type missile!

Missiles of hate and a miscreant,
He's breeding a change to freedom for ALL,
Breastfeeding venom to his minions to vent,
And building his empire of discontent!

All the unhappy think they found a voice,
But vampire Trump feeds on that pain,
Faking to you that he's your voice,
Only as long as you believe in HIS choice!

He truly hates you, hates us!
He is of the billionaires club,
And his way is full of abhorrence,
His path full of ignorance!

Yes, if Trump is your guy,
It tells me much about you.
You hate yourself so much that you'd lie,
Full of such hate and no desire to even try!

You've closed your mind,
You have no desire to know any truth!
A mind of hate doesn't want to find,
A love for us ALL to share and bind!

No, you'd rather kill with Trump in the lead,
And spit on your neighbor,
And sleep with your gun by your feet,
Irrational fear is ALL you see!

You are a different terror to me,
Yet not different than that which you fear,
And like those Muslims you'd hate to be,
You've have your own Sharia Law to feed!

Pretending to be so noble and brave,
Kissing Trump's feet like he's your god,
Not caring that there is no one he will save,
Or that he will send you to an early grave!

This is NOT like his reality TV show!
That is for entertainment built on all that is fake!
This is your life he'll deal a deadly blow, 
Becoming his greatest victim yet to grow!

Kiss your children goodbye,
Should this man become president,
Since Trump is your guy,
Prepare for all you love to die.

Sandra K. Harrison
February 5, 2016