Heavy And Light
This is poem number 5 and the final one,
Last one for the 5 Day Poetry Challenge,
That Paige Namuth nominated me on,
Though for me it is instead the 5 Poem Challenge.
Time was my enemy for doing this right,
Sure I could post poems written before,
And not all new ones did I write,
Just no time to submit 5 days in a row.
So here's the last one I will submit,
But not the last one I will ever write,
Because to writing I'll always commit,
Covering topics both heavy and light.
Heavy are thoughts that must be penned,
A healing salve for deep soul wounds,
So on paper I empty my heart to lend,
And keep my soul from sickness bound.
Locking away all heavy thoughts,
Can build a darkness so thick,
That only crazy blues can be wrought,
And the body fills with nothing but sick!
I found this healing at a young seven,
When after beatings I wrote about it,
Adding how I would one day get even,
By making him suffer with the hate I'd spit!
Putting my heavy on paper back then,
Gave me room to let go of all the pain,
And I grew to become my best friend,
And let forgiveness be my gain.
It's the same with the world's heavy,
I like to write down my thoughts,
So I can sort and then levy,
And let go of all pain they wrought.
Now light writing is much more fun,
To joke and find laughter in life,
Makes all the darkness run,
And lifts the soul from all it's strife.
Light topics are full of smiles,
Like Donald Trump in the 2016 election,
His antics make laughing worthwhile,
Fodder for the best writing selection.
Or other light topics that can dispel gloom,
And give wings to a happy heart,
Like writing about how love can bloom,
Or life being as swift as a fart!
So rather heavy or light a poem is the way,
To create a picture that fits the mood,
To put in words that create a sway,
And make one smile or even brood.
Thank you Paige for this opportunity,
To share this one of my passions,
Though fearful of much scrutiny,
It's been worth my time and creation.