Monday, December 30, 2013


It is hard for me to believe that tomorrow is the last day of 2013. It seems every year slams by faster than the year before. Or is it one of the many 'gettin old' symptoms? All I know it I run out of time EVERY year now that I've managed to survive 60 years! 

SO ...  I GIVE UP!

I give up trying to finish. I will do what I can do and if I catch up, GREAT. If not, I will do the best I can and let go of that which isn't priority ... or just let go because I was doing something that didn't need to be done anyway!

I give up trying not to get old. It is inevitable. I'm there! I will not get younger and don't have the millions to pretend to be younger so I will just be. I can take care of what is left of me and try not to rush this inevitable process. Oh, OK, and I will ...

Give up complaining!! I waste too much time whining about stuff!! Complaining is an action crusher! It may be easier than changing, but it is also a great burden that makes my mountains bigger and nearly impossible to climb over!


I'm glad this year is over. And I don't even want to finish the posts I've drafted to fill in the spaces my blog has suffered from this year. It would take too much time and time has run out.

I started this blog a few years ago in the hopes of fine tuning my writing and maybe gleaning a wage from something I love to do. I'm not sure what I was thinking! It hasn't really done either for me. Maybe if I settled on a theme, instead of just rambling, or find a passion to share with readers, my hopes could still be realized. I best figure it out because time is running out on me.


I need to get as far as I can in my life game ... before this last quarter ends. As 2014 begins, I need to review the game plan. What is working, what hasn't helped me at all and where do I want to finish? 

I want to win. Winners train, endure and develop their skill. I don't even know what game I'm playing now in this last quarter of my life. I've endured but my skills are limited, maybe even diminishing, and my training sucks! Self-trained. Should have known that wouldn't get me far! I need a new Trainer. 

Tomorrow is the last day of 2013. This year will end in a quiet fashion here in the Harrison home. No party here, and not planning on going out. Grandson is staying with us and is young enough not to feel he is being punished. We may watch an old movie, shoot off a few fireworks and, most likely, be in bed before midnight. BORING if we were those young party animals we use to be, but just right for the old farts we've become!

So ... Happy New Year and may your new year be blessed and your life game plan full of winning plays!

2013 in pictures: