Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Day After The End

The biggest surprise about not going in the Rapture yesterday? Everyone I thought had a guaranteed ticket on the Rapture bus are all still here. Should I be worried?

Friday, May 20, 2011

And The World As We Know It Is About To End?

Billboards in California are blasting that tomorrow at 6 pm the world will end! What?! What happened to December 21, 2012 being the official end to the world? I am sooooooo confused!

Well, I don't know what to believe. I read in God's Word that no one will know the hour or the day when the world will end ... or rather when Christ will come to take those He claims. I believe in a God of awesome wonder that has plucked me from the darkest place and given me hope that I can be more than I ever dreamed I could be by myself. Alone I am nothing. God is my only hope. But even though I cling to God ... I fear the unknown.

So what!
What if tomorrow is our last day?
What will you, or I, be doing?
What if tomorrow was the last day of your life as you know it?
What will you do?
What will I do?
What is after ... what is beyond the end?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

All My Life Is Making The Turns

My life is taking a turn,
A new age I embark as I near 60.
These wrinkles did warn me,
That youth had gone and left me.
We all know things don't last,
Not youth,
Nor our twenties, thirties and on.
Such is the road we all travel on,
Change is the only thing to rely on.
From the babe in Mother's arms,
To the babe of my motorcycle man,
To the babe of our Lord and Saviour Man,
Where life began and is given back again.
Trading in my young, plumb, healthy flesh,
For some wrinkles and the full mind.
Yes, full! So full, I forget all the time,
Especially when a mirror I find,
And see a stranger looking back at me.
Hard to believe I'm two from 60!
Only the Lord could have brought me,
Through my life and all the wrong turns.
Here's hoping this last turn,
Will be mostly right in my final walk,
And full of friends that share the walk,
And the wrinkles,
And the hard times amid the giggles.
Life is like that,
A full life is just that,
Paths that twist and adjourn,
Change, a constant in all the turns.