The last month of winter. Spring tried to muscle it's way in early. The above picture was taken on a Monday near the end of February. The ice coating on everything gives the picture a surreal look. These ice diamonds would be gone by the middle of the week and the only reminder of an early thunderstorm that struck the Saturday evening before, coating everything in ice, would be a burned down cabin in the K-1 area on Lake McConaughy due to lightning.
Now here we are into our first week of March and waiting for an impending winter storm predicted to leave behind a few inches of snow. It is hard to have such warm spring like days sprinkled among days of slamming cold and snow, dashing our spring fevers. Or rather, I should say, giving us a raise in fevers. I mean, am I the only one that notices an increase of illness when we go through these yoyo days of warm and cold as ice?
Ok, I'm no weather woman or doctor so will steer my thot's to the progress, or not, of my New Year's resolutions.
So far, I have not had a drink since December 31st. More than two months alcohol free. I don't notice anything different. Maybe I should query my family and see if my not drinking has made any impact on them? Often the family is aware of issues long before the person mired in poor choices is willing to admit to any issues.
No sweets? After I finally threw away those Cherry Pull-A-Part Twizzlers, I can say I have not gorged on any candy for 16 days now. This has been much harder for me to lay down than the alcohol. I find myself wandering around the kitchen and opening and shutting cupboard and refrigerator doors. Looking and then telling myself I don't need anything. Nothing tastes good right now! I've been told to give this time and when I do crave something sweet I go for fruit. So far the fruit is working.
In this short phase of no sugar, I have become aware of something. During the months that I began gorging on sweets, I ate NO greens at home. Now that I'm making more salads and vegetable dishes, I find myself WANTING a good salad. I was addicted to the sweets and had no desire for greens. In fact, I was repulsed by a green leafy salad. Now isn't that crazy?
March is my month to add exercise to my changes. I have already begun walking around Ron's property with the grandson. This next week I will add Yoga and some upper arm weight lifting. I have to be aware of my injured back and so everything will be low key. I enjoy exercising but struggle with motivation. Sometimes I force myself into action because if I don't, I won't even try.
So, all I have done so far, is to quit drinking and no sugar gorging. I was at 164.5 pounds at the end of January with no alcohol. I now weight 161 pounds after no sugar gorging. My goal is 135 pounds. That's only 26 more pounds to go.