Monday, May 4, 2009


Monday. Whew! This weekend was inspiring and full. I traveled nearly 500 miles to be part of the support team for Co, who was running in the Lincoln Marathon 2009, held Sunday in Lincoln, Nebraska. She ran the half marathon, 13+ miles! In picture up above caught the clock before and after she ran by. However, didn't catch exact moment she crossed line. Co called a few days later when she recieved her recorded time: 2 hr and 18 min....WOW!

I am in awe of her accomplishment and had so much fun in the chase vehicle with her husband and two of her sons. This is an amazing family to me. In the 36+ years I've known Co, I've witnessed her love and commitment to her family and am moved by her loyalty and growth over these years. I was equally honored that day to be part of her family support team and to show my commitment and respect for her and our many years of friendship! I don't do this often enough and it shames me to admit it. What makes our friendship enduring is found in the fact that I know she forgives me. I need to be close to those kind of people...the forgiving ones...because I tend to do a heap of things that need forgiven! Now, those who know my kids, who are all grown up, know that I have gone through many changes in my life path. I'm not who I use to be. I'm better everyday and I got a ways to go to get to my best. Co and her family are a big part of my life path to become more than I could ever be without them!

So, as part of the family, a family of very conservative folks, most of 'em anyway. If you click on picture above of family & me, it'll be easy to pick out the conservative ones! :) Anyway, my job was to embarass or inspire her, depending on how she perceived it, by cheering her on. I am very good at cheering and so right out the chute I was a hollering, whistling and screaming out in THAT voice........

(the same voice I used when the kids were little and would disappear in the store expecting me to play hide and seek but when ready to leave, and already exhausted from trying to find them lil burgers (!), I'd just march to the front of the store and announce my departure, nameing the lil critters that expected a ride and throwing in a warning that I would drive away without them...all without the aide of a microphone. Yes, those mortified lil burgers would come running, knowing I very well would have driven off and made them walk home. That was more than a 6 mile walk! Geez, now-a-days, I'd be turned in, probably with some video feed from the store shown across the country with a news report refering to the crazy, child abuser!)

....THAT voice bellowed what ever came to mind and I'd like to take this moment, Co, should you ever read this... to apologize for THAT voice and what ever came out that may have embarassed you, dear friend. Oh, and I'm saying sorry for anything I may yell in future cheering sessions. However, I'll never stop cheering on those dear to my heart just because I might blooper my calls! You, dear friend, know that most everything that comes out of MY mouth seems to be a blooper. What many determined was due to my blonde hair are now wondering if I just might be 'special'. What? What was that you are muttering?

Yes, I'm inspired to start taking better care of myself so I can be around a bit longer to pursue my best and to go on many more of these support team adventures with friends! Inspired....but 13 miles? Maybe next year I'll jog/walk a half of a half with my friend Co and let everyone else embarass and inspire us on. Maybe. Guess I better start training now huh?